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What are playlists used for and how to make one?

What are playlists and how do they work?

What are playlists used for?

Playlists are used to schedule multiple pieces of content that will show after each other (a loop). Each item can be scheduled to play at a specific date and/or time, so you can have certain items only pop up during the coffee break for example.

How to make a playlist?

Go to the β€œPlaylists” tab. If the form is not already showing, press β€œCreate playlist” or click on the + sign at the top right to create a new one.

To create your playlist, all that is required is a name. This can be anything you want to call it.

Other than the name, there are other settings that will be explained below.

These are all optional settings.

Animation: pick an animation that will show between switching the active item. Note: animations might be disabled on low-end devices.
Image scaling: as you see, there are 4 options: original, contain, cover and fill. The images you see is how your images and videos will be transformed and shown.
Image backdrop blur: if you image does not fill the whole screen, optionally add a backdrop behind it of the same picture blurred out.
Maximum length (s): force the playlist to stay within a set amount of seconds, so you cannot go over this length
Specify content settings: configure the content that is allowed in this playlist. By default, all content can be added.
Only allow subsequence management: this setting will make it unable to create alternating groups. It has a very specific use case and is often not used.
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