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How to edit display settings and see more information?

Change content, location, see technical details and more.

Edit content on a display

To edit content, head over to the displays page. Find the display you want to change the content from and click on the current content:

Edit content of a display
Edit content of a display

Click on “Change content”. A new popup will show with all your Lumicast content. Look for the content you want to be showing on your display.

Content selected in the content picker
Content selected in the content picker

Press “Choose” after selecting the piece of content you want to show on your display.

Setting the exact location of a display

Although this currently does not serve a technical purpose within the platform, setting the exact location of a display can help you find out which screen you need to edit if you are unsure. We always try to get a location of the device programmatically, however, those results are more often than not inaccurate.

Go to the displays overview and find the display you want to edit the location of.

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Click on “Display information”.

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Drag the locator to the exact location of your display. Use your scroll wheel to zoom in and get a better look up close.

Changing settings

In the display settings you can change several properties of your display. Below we will break each one of them down.

Lumicast display settings
Lumicast display settings

Edit display name

The display name is the name shown in your display overview. It is also shown on the display when you open the service menu (keyboard: M, or remote control OK). This can help you identify your displays.

Adding tags to your display

Adding a new tag
Adding a new tag

In a new workspace, you likely have no tags. You can start typing in this input and press ENTER to create a new tag, or select an existing tag.

Changing display from test to live mode

Click on test or live depending on which one you want to switch to, then click “Save”.

Adding metadata to your display

Metadata can be used by apps, for instance to decide which content to show on which display. An example is the building directory app, where each display could show different companies that are configured in the same app.

Click on the “+ Add” button. Select the type of metadata you want to enter from the dropdown, then enter the data in the other input.

You can remove metadata by clicking the “-” button on the right.

Keep displays showing the same video in sync

If you have multiple displays in the same location, you may want content to play as perfectly as possible in sync. This option will attempt that.

View display uptime

The display uptime can be seen in the uptime tab. You can switch between different timeframes.

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Turn on display logs

Go to the Logs tab. You will find one button to enable logs. Logs will be active for 1 hour, unless you turn it off before.

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View technical details of a display

Lumicast version

At the top of the Details page, you will see the version, in this case: V2.24.0.

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Below the device location, you will find RAM usage and the amount of CPUs in your device:

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Device details

Below the RAM and CPU stats, you will find all display information that Lumicast has found and is using for your display.

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Deleting a display

From the displays overview, click on the 3 dots and click on “Delete”:

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Keep in mind, there is no undo button, the connection to the device is lost!

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