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Webpage app guide

Step-by-step guide on how to setup your Webpage app

With the webpage app you can simply enter a website URL and show its contents on your displays.

Creating a Webpage app

  1. Go to β€˜Apps > App store’ or β€˜Content > New > App’ and search for the Webpage app;
  1. Click on the app to start creating a new app. You will see the following screen:
    1. Notion image
  1. Enter an app name, this can be anything you can recognize it by later;
  1. Enter a webpage URL that you want to display;
  1. Finish the app by clicking β€˜Create app’

Why is the webpage app not loading my webpage?

  1. Some webpages cannot be displayed inside the app editor. This does not always mean they cannot be displayed on your displays: for instance if the webpage is locally hosted;
  1. Another reason could be that the website you’re trying to show does not allow embedding. An alternative you can try here is enabling the β€œUse screenshots” option in the Advanced section.

All configuration options

App name
A recognizable (descriptive) name for you, which will show in your content library.
Webpage URL
The URL of the webpage you want to show
Offset top (px)
If you want to show a specific part of the website, this option allows you to scroll down a set amount of pixels
Show QR code
Enabling this will show a QR code linking to the webpage in the bottom right corner.
Refresh page every once in a while?
If your page shows content that can change, you can use this option to get fresh data every once in a while.
Refresh timeout (s)
If you enabled the refresh option, you can decide how often the page will refresh. Note: when using the β€œuse screenshots” option, this is always at least 30 seconds.
Scroll the page
Scroll the page up and down
Height in pixels to scroll
How far down do you want the page to scroll
Seconds per scroll
When scrolling is enabled, the app will show each scrolled area for at least this amount of seconds
Use screenshots instead of the actual page (BETA)
If the webpage you are trying to show does not allow embedding, another option that might work is showing screenshots instead.
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