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Google Calendar app guide

Step-by-step guide on how to setup your Google Calendar app

With the Google Calendar app you can show a calendar from Google Calendar on your display.

Creating a Google Calendar app

  1. Go to β€˜Apps > App store’ or β€˜Content > New > App’ and search for the Google Calendar app;
  1. Click on the app to start creating a new app. You will see the following screen:
    1. Notion image
  1. Enter an app name, this can be anything you can recognize it by later;
  1. Enter a Google Calendar url. You can find out how to obtain the url below;
  1. Finish the app by clicking β€˜Create app’

Getting the Google Calendar URL

Lumicast is able to display information of Google Calendars. You can integrate your own Google Calendar using Lumicast apps. In order to do this, you need to locate the URL of your calendar.

Follow these steps to setup your calendar app:

1. Click on the elipsis icon of your calendar

2. Click on 'settings and sharing'

3. Go to 'integrate calendar'

4. Copy the public URL as highlighted here

5. Use this URL in the Google Calendar app in Lumicast

All configuration options

App name
A recognizable (descriptive) name for you, which will show in your content library.
Calendar url
The URL to your Google Calendar integration. Generated through Google Calendar, follow the steps above.
Calendar title
Will show as the title if β€œShow title” is enabled. If left empty it will use the title you set in Google Calendar.
Display mode
Show calendar is daily, weekly, monthly or agenda mode
Show date
Should the current date be shown?
Show calendar list
Show timezone
Timezone of the calendar will be shown
Show title
Add title at top or not
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